Driver job in Abingdon, Oxfordshire, Oxford, Evesham and Banbury?

Driver Job

For candidates who are seeking jobs, the first question that should come in their mind is “How to get the best out of working with a recruitment agency?”

  • Think about what you want from your job, particularly in which sector you want to go, and what type of job level you would work at. For example, if you are looking for management level job, then go to recruitment consultants who specialise in search of management jobs or if you want to work as a driver, then try driving agencies who specialise and experienced in driving sector recruitment.
  • When you approach any recruitment agency, give them as much information as possible because this will help them to find you the right job. Also check salary, locations, nature of job and type of organisation before you make a COMMITMENT, because commitment is very important to being successful.
  • Make sure that your CV is accurate and up to date. This will you and your recruitment agency a lot of time.
  • First register with an agency, and contact them regularly. Call or email them once a week and let them know you are still looking for a job.
  • If agency is not finding you work then ask for the reason why it is taking time to find you work. It may be because there is not enough work; work is not matching your CV, your salary expectation, recession etc. You might also want to think about other types of work if recruitment agency cannot find you work according to your qualification.
  • Don’t form your opinion of an agency based on their website.
  • Check their credentials, location of agency and do some market research before sending your CV or posting it on their website. Recruitment agencies do not ask you to pay any fees in order to secure a job.

We Are Looking Candidates for Driving Jobs in Abingdon, Oxfordshire, Oxford, Evesham and Banbury?

Click here to find more !

You can send your CV at ; and for full registration with us you must have all of the following:

  • Right to Work in UK
  • Proof of National Insurance Number
  • Relevant Driving Licence
  • Valid Tachocard

1 Form of Identification

  • Passport
  • Full Birth Certificate
  • European Identity Card